Thursday, December 25, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Citrus Lane December 2014 Review
My December Citrus Lane box arrived sometime in the last two days. I always get excited for Citrus Lane and with christmas a few days away I knew there'd be some items I could potentially wrap and put under the tree, even though the girls have more than enough already!
For those of you that don't know, Citrus Lane is a monthly subscription service where you get a box of goodies for your child that are geared towards their current age (and sometimes Mommy) each month delivered to your door. You never know what you are going to get, but overall I have not been disappointed. Plans start at $29/month but if you buy longer subscriptions you can get them as low as $19/month or even cheaper when they run specials).Citrus Lane always includes a very nice information card with their boxes that lists the items and descriptions and some coupon codes!
This is what I got in my 25 Month Old, Toddler Girl, December 2014 Box and the approximate retail value I found for each item from their specific website (or Amazon, since if you know me, I'm an Amazon Junkie and would most likely buy from there). Sometimes I have to do some math because the sizes aren’t quite the same, hence why they are approximate values.
Melissa & Doug Deluxe 10-Piece Alphabet Nesting and Stacking Blocks
Green Toys Stock Pot & Utensils
Little Oink Board Book by Chronicle Books
Juice Beauty Green Apple Age Defy Moisturizer (~$11.25 for .5 oz sample) - I love a good moisturizer and love the Citrus Lane sometimes throws in an item for Mom too! This one will be perfect to add to my travel makeup bag so I don't have to bring my larger size when I travel!
Total Estimated Value of Box: ~$41.23 (not including shipping)
Total Cost of Box: $29.00 (free shipping) -- I only paid $10 though because of an awesome deal I found on Plum District --> definitely keep an eye out for those on Plum District, Groupon and Living Social!
Overall Impression: Awesome box!! Loved it!
If you are interested in signing up for Citrus Lane, CLICK HERE, and by using my link, you will get 50% off your first box (new customers only). Remember, you can cancel at any time, so your first box would only be $14.50, not too shabby!
Did you get Citrus Lane this month? What'd you get and for how old of a child?
Disclosure: This post contains referral/affiliate links!
Birchbox "Decked Out" December 2014 Review
For those of you that don't now, Birchbox is a monthly subscription (cancel/pause any time) where you get a monthly box, delivered to your front door, of 4-6 high-end beauty and lifestyle samples from top brands. The best part, it's only $10/month! (and free shipping!)
Birchbox is always delivered in a nice box and within the packaging; there is always a nice little box (this month it was blue and festive and would make for a really good box to wrap a christmas gift in - which to be honest I used a bunch of my old boxes to wrap gifts in, they are the perfect size for small items!) with all the goodies. The theme this month is "Decked Out" and and the information card always tells you about the items you are receiving.
If you are interested in signing up for Birchbox, use my referral link. If you review each product monthly you also get credit money in the Birchbox shop (which sells tons of full sized items and when combined with coupon codes you can get some great deals!). If you review each product each month (10 points per item) then you would get 50 points which equals $5 in credit so the box itself pretty much costs $5 which is a great deal! (assuming there are 5 items in your box each month, which there usually is). Here is what I got this month:
Benefit They're Real! Mascara (~$7.67 for .1oz sample) - MORE mascara! ahh, I swear I have more than enough, but this particular one looks awesome so it may go to the front of my stash for next use!
Dr, Jart+ Black Label Detox BB Beauty Balm (~$4.80 for .2oz sample) - I think when I run out of my current BB cream, this will be the one I'll be buying with my Birchbox, points! I really like how it's a 5 in one product (primer, serum, moisturizer, SPF, & tint).
TONI&GUY Prep Heat Protection Mist (~$7.59 for 2.53oz sample) - I hardly ever blow dry or straighten my hair these days, but when I do, this will come in handy!
English Laundry Signature for Her Parfum (~$3.27 for ~0.07oz sample) - had to estimate the size of the sample since it wasn't stated. I'm not a huge fan of this scent, a little too floral-ish for me.
Acure Organics Sensitive Facial Cleanser Argan Oil + Probiotic (~$3.75 for 1oz sample) - I liked this cleanser, although it's a little pricey so probably wouldn't buy. I'm also not sure how the probiotic works for a face cleanser, but I hear they are good for you to ingest so maybe they absorb through the skin?
They also included a $10 coupon to the GAP, which needed to be redeemed online to get a coupon that is only good for the store. I don't have a GAP too close to me, or a need to go before the coupon expires so I sent it to a friend. Had it bee eligible for an online purchase, I totally would have used it.
Total Estimated Value of Box: ~$27.08 (not including shipping or the GAP coupon)
Total Cost of Box: $10.00 (Free Shipping)
Overall Impression: Another great box, even if I didn't care for the
Overall Impression: Another great box, even if I didn't care for the
Which box did you get this month? Did you like it?
Want to see previous boxes I've received? Click here to read my reviews!
Disclosure: This post contains referral links!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Follow Through Friday - Just Maintain
Well, I've come to the conclusion that I'm OK with just maintaining my weight through the rest of the month, through the holidays. I seriously ate more cookies this week than I've probably had in the last 2 months combined, not to mention all the holiday festivities I attended this week and have planned over the next 2 weeks. If I can maintain my weight through all that, I'll be happy. I'm not committed enough right not to refrain from indulging in all the foods. On the other hand, I have been committed to getting in my runs. Even after binging on cookies all day. I think the runs are helping balance out my poor eating choices, well sort of, I have gained back a little.
I didn't make it out for my long run on Saturday with the MRTT ladies as I chose to participate in some beer drinking the night before during our neighborhood Christmas Lights parade. I rescheduled it for Sunday morning with another MRTT lady but woke up with a pounding headache so missed that one too. I did get my run in later that day on Sunday though, after my headache finally went away and actually felt pretty good after it, even if it did consist of running in circles through the neighborhood. I totally regretted not going out to the trail. I squeezed in my other two 30 minutes runs between working and parties. G was away on travel this week, so it always makes it more difficult to get my runs in as he definitely helps motivate me when I'm being lazy (and/or stays home with the girls when I want to run outside).
Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14: 4.8 lbs
I didn't make it out for my long run on Saturday with the MRTT ladies as I chose to participate in some beer drinking the night before during our neighborhood Christmas Lights parade. I rescheduled it for Sunday morning with another MRTT lady but woke up with a pounding headache so missed that one too. I did get my run in later that day on Sunday though, after my headache finally went away and actually felt pretty good after it, even if it did consist of running in circles through the neighborhood. I totally regretted not going out to the trail. I squeezed in my other two 30 minutes runs between working and parties. G was away on travel this week, so it always makes it more difficult to get my runs in as he definitely helps motivate me when I'm being lazy (and/or stays home with the girls when I want to run outside).
Results for the week:
Weight: 171.8
Pins Moved (lbs lost): one in wrong direction (1.4 lbs gained)
Half Marathon training:
Run 1: 7.05 miles in 1:25:21 (12:06 pace)
Run 1: 7.05 miles in 1:25:21 (12:06 pace)
Run 2: 2.75 miles in 30:17 (11:00 pace)
Run 3: 2.44 miles in 30:00 (12:17 pace)
Strength Training: none
Walk: Friday – 1.8 miles
Walk: Sunday - 1.11 miles (multiple walks)
Walk: Monday - 0.53 miles
Walk: Wednesday - 0.53 miles
Walk: Thursday - 0.8 miles
Walk: Wednesday - 0.53 miles
Walk: Thursday - 0.8 miles
Total Weekly Miles Logged: 17.01 miles
Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14: 4.8 lbs
Plan for Next Week:
Continue the half marathon training plan, for Friday through Monday it will include: an 8 mile run, two 30-minute runs (one at race pace), andtwo strength training days (I'm not even going to include this going forward as I'm clearly not doing them).
Continue the half marathon training plan, for Friday through Monday it will include: an 8 mile run, two 30-minute runs (one at race pace), and
Linking up with Carolyn and Fitnasty for Life with the pledge to get #FIT4FIFTEEN!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Ipsy "Thinking of You" December 2014 Glam Bag Review
First things first, ipsy comes in a pretty envelope and inside is of course the Glam Bag stuffed with goodies. The theme this month was "Thinking o You". Their Glam Room for this month says "Our happy thoughts are wille with YOU this month. Thank you for a 2014 full of beauty wisdom, and inspiration. You've given us so many reasons to smile and look forward to another amazing year ahead. Who are you thinking of and thankful for this month?"
ipsy doesn't send out information cards (Birchbox does, which I definitely prefer). however, an information card isn't really necessary since all items can be found on their website and all have coupon codes for additional purchases if you want to buy some more. It looks like there were a possibility of 13 items this month (although multiple variations/shades of some items) and each subscriber got some combination of 5 of them depending on their preferences from their ipsy beauty quiz match. Now on to my goodies:
Bumble and Bumble Repair Blow Dry (~$3.00 for .5 oz sample) - with it being winter (well kind of, it was 72 earlier today but in the 40's this weekend, so who knows what it'll be each day) I don't like to leave with wet hair which obviously means I have to blow dry it. Will be interested to see how this product helps my hair withstand the heat from the dryer.
Cailyn Cosmetics Just Minerals Eye Polish in Orchid ($15.00 for FULL SIZE .09 oz) - I really like this color and the applicator! This item in itself made the bag more than worth it this month!
Nourish Organic Renewing Eye Cream - This product isn't yet available for sale (not until January) so I wasn't able to really estimate the cost of it but I'll say it was probably around a $6 value for the .5 oz sample based on the cost of the face cream. I've used the Nourish Organic face cleanser before and liked it so I'm sure I'll like this as well!
NYX Cosmetics Butter Lip Balm in Parfait ($4.00 for FULL SIZE .14 oz) - Not really my color, but it's sheer enough that it'll still work for me. Can always use lip balms!
tarte deluxe lights, camera, lashes 4-in-1 Mascara (~$8.33 for .10 oz sample) - I swear I've been getting a ton of mascara's between Birchbox and ipsy lately, but I suppose it never hurts to have more! I'll surely never have to buy it again!
Total Estimated Value: $36.33 (not including the bag itself or any shipping)
Total Price Paid: $10 (free shipping)
Overall Impression: Pretty happy with this bag. After the last two months that just weren't for me, this one was much better!
If you are interested in signing up for ipsy, use my referral link (and I thank you in advance for some ipsyPoints to use for future add on items!)
Did you get ipsy this month? Did you like it? What'd you get?
Did you get ipsy this month? Did you like it? What'd you get?
Disclosure: This post contains referral links!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Follw Through Friday - Business Travel and Holidays
The next 2-3 weeks are going to be super tough with the holidays in
full swing. I’m actually really worried about meeting my month 3 DietBet weigh
in on January 6th. Oh yea, speaking of DietBets, last week I mentioned
my 2nd month of diet bet weigh in being the following day. Well, I
hit my goal and won $29.92 (so $17.42 profit)! I have to get down to 167.4 to
hit my goal for this month. I feel like if I keep up with my running, it should
at least help balance out the bad eating. I’m not going to deprive myself of
holiday goodness, but hopefully try to eat REALLY good on the days I don’t have
anything going on and then only indulge for the MEAL on the days I do have
something going on, rather than all day. That’s my plan anyways and hopefully
it’ll be enough to meet my round/month 3 goal! This week I have a work
luncheon/pot luck on Monday, an ornament exchange party with the MRTT ladies on
Tuesday, and a Wine Tasting party on Thursday.
I also didn’t schedule my facial yet for hitting my goal last week, but
now I feel like I don’t deserve it since I gained some back and am above that
incentive again. Guess I’ll just wait until I hit it again and then schedule
Weight: 170.4
Pins Moved (lbs lost): one in the wrong direction (1 lb gained)
Half Marathon training:
Run 1: 6.01 miles in 1:11:41 (11:55 pace)
Run 1: 6.01 miles in 1:11:41 (11:55 pace)
Run 2: 2.38 miles in 30:00 (12:36 pace)
Run 3: 2.71 miles in 30:00 (11:04 pace)
Strength Training: none
Walk: Friday – 2.32 miles
Walk: Saturday - 0.5
Walk: Wednesday - 0.5 miles
Walk: Thursday - 0.5 miles
Walk: Thursday - 0.5 miles
Total Weekly Miles Logged: 14.92
Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14: 6.2 lbs
Plan for Next Week:
Continue the half marathon training plan, for Friday through Monday it will include: a 7 mile run, two 30-minute runs, and two strength training days.
Continue the half marathon training plan, for Friday through Monday it will include: a 7 mile run, two 30-minute runs, and two strength training days.
up with Carolyn and Fitnasty for Life with
the pledge to get #FIT4FIFTEEN!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Follow Through Friday - Back on Track!
After my last two weeks, I really needed to “detox” myself from terrible eating. Exercise doesn’t really help you lose weight if you eat like crap. I did pretty well this week, which can be seen in my results below. I made my first "goal" and can now get my first incentive, a facial!! Totally booking that ASAP! I also have my 2nd month weigh in of the Transformer Diet Bet on Sunday, which cumulatively needed to be a 6% loss. Based on today’s weigh-in, I’m pretty confident I’ll make it, which means hopefully I’ll make a few bucks again! Score! Next month I only need to lose another 2% (8% cumulate), less than previous months, which is good considering it’s the holiday season and the weigh in for month 3 will be right after the new year = lots of holiday parties! Plus the more you lose, the harder it gets. Story of my life right there!
My runs this week were tough. I hadn’t been feeling great Sunday and was just going to run to catch up with G while he was taking the girls for a walk. Well it took me a while to find him and he encouraged me to keep going, so I figured I’d just make it one of my 30 minute runs. Well, once I hit 30 minutes, I had been feeling pretty good so I decided to keep going and completed my 5 miles. My legs were a little sore Monday when I did my first 30 minute run, hence the slower pace (for a short run). My other 30 minute run didn't happen. I made the decision to stop pumping this week, so starting on Tuesday afternoon I did my last pump (ever!) and dealt with the leaking and the engorgement pain until about this morning. Still a little engorged, but at least the leaking has stopped! (sorry, a little TMI? at least I left out the part about putting cabbage in my bra.. oh well, now you know - btw it helps!) Luckily, it didn't affect my weight loss this week. Now I just have to adjust my eating again as I can't have those extra "breastfeeding" calories anymore if I want to still lose weight as I was only eating them for my milk production. My long runs are getting to be too long to do in my neighborhood without doing multiple loops, so tomorrow I have plans to knock out my 6 miles on the West Orange Trail with some ladies from the local Moms Run This Town running group. I’ve been a part of this group (online FB group) since I found out I was pregnant with AB (that’s when I discovered it) but haven’t made it out to any of their group runs since I didn't run while pregnant; so I’m excited to finally meet and run with some of the other moms! Plus it gets my long run out of the way nice and early in the week!
Oh yea, and I've been tracking my miles all year, and November ended up being the month with the most miles logged (probably of all time!) - I logged 56.58 miles in November!
Oh yea, and I've been tracking my miles all year, and November ended up being the month with the most miles logged (probably of all time!) - I logged 56.58 miles in November!
Results for the week:
Weight: 169.4
Pins Moved (lbs lost): four!! (3.8 lbs)
Half Marathon training:
Run 1: 5.08 miles in 1:02:08 (12:13 pace)
Run 2: 2.47 miles in 30:00 (12:08 pace)
Strength Training: none
Walk: Wednesday - 1.0 Mile
Walk: Thursday - 0.6 mile
Walk: Thursday - 0.6 mile
Total Weekly Miles Logged: 9.15 miles
Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14: 7.2 lbs
Continue the half marathon training plan, for Friday throughMonday it will include: a 6 mile run, two 30-minute runs (one at race pace), and two strength training days.
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