Friday, June 19, 2015

Follow Through Friday - Big Winner and New Low!

I started off my exercise last week with meeting up with some of the MRTT ladies for a run on Saturday morning. This particular group is working up to their first 5k and is doing great starting out but overall a little slower than I was expecting, but I'll take a slower run with enjoyable conversations over a fast solo run any day! We ended up kind of splitting into three groups as the run progressed and some others had to fall back and some of us went ahead. The group was only doing 2.75 miles as that is where they are in their training plan,  but myself and another girl went and did the full 5k. I love being part of a group of women who love to run and since it's a pretty large MRTT chapter, you can pretty much always find someone to run with when you want to. My other two runs were at home on my treadmill and I'm very happy with my speed. I remembered that we have this programable "module" to our treadmill and decided to try it out after it sitting idle for well over year (I thought you had to have a membership to use it,  and ours expired like 18 months ago but apparently you don't need the membership to program it, only to use their other online features). I programmed it to gradually increase speed with over the 30 minutes to hit 3.1 miles. I had it so it dropped down to 5.5 mph for one minute at the 10 and 20 minute mark, to give me a little break and then gradually work it back up. Overall, it felt great and I think it ended up being a tad bit short b/c it was programmed for 0.0 incline and I ran at 1.0 incline. I never once felt like I was dying, which is a good sign that I should be able to hopefully translate this to the road eventually! 

Now on to the diet... even with my splurge on Saturday (which was only in the evening, not all day, we had some friends over and I drank some beers and ate some foods that were not part of the plan, although technically Saturday is my reward day with carb cycling so I didn't really "cheat" right?), I picked right back up where I left off on Friday and killed it this week. At least, I think a 3 lb loss from last week is pretty great! I'm at a new post-baby low! 

I also finished my 2nd Transformer Diet Bet this week and I was going back through my Diet Bet profile, I decided to pull together my before and after pics from both of my transformer Diet Bets (they overlapped) and my before pics aren't in form fitting clothes or good lighting but you can still definitely see the differences. Between the two Transformers that I've completed, I won $598.67 ($278.67 profit!). I also hit my goal for round 3 of my 3rd Transformer this morning! 

Weight: 153.0 lbs

     3.13 miles in 42:48 (13:39 pace)
     3.10 miles in 30:33 (9:51 pace)
     3.09 miles in 30:00 (9:43 pace)
Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14: 23.6 lbs

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