Friday, June 12, 2015

Follow Through Friday - A Quick Update

Oh look at me, actually updating my blog in a week instead of like three! This will be a super short update compared to last week!  My week started off great! I ran to pick the girls up at daycare on Friday afternoon and unfortunately we got caught in the rain on the walk home so we only made it about half way before I had to call my father in law to come rescue us. Had the weather report been accurate, I would have made it home in time, but of course the storm came 20 minutes early and it came HARD and it came FAST. It took me about 5 minutes to get to some coverage, so by then we had gotten SOAKED and I felt awful for the girls (they were cold and scared because it was thundering and lightning out too). I knew a storm was coming and should have planned better (left earlier) but oh well, at least my FIL was able to rescue us! 

Saturday morning was my 5k race, my first race since March and it went well. You can read all about it here. The rest of the weekend was busy, busy. G was out of town, so I took the girls over to my parents and we stayed the weekend and attended a graduation party and went out on their boat. Of course, I ate horribly there. I always do. There is just something about that house that makes me hungry and have no will power. I had meal prepped on Friday, so at least once I got back to town Sunday night, I was ready to go for the work week. Monday I was good to go with my food although too exhausted in the evening to exercise. Mondays are usually hard for me, but after a busy weekend, it’s almost a given I won’t be exercising. Tuesday I came down with a migraine that lasted 12 agonizing hours and then I still wasn’t feeling great Wednesday so I got zero exercise in but at least stayed within my calories. I didn’t really follow the carb cycling as I wasn’t feeling well and certain things just didn’t taste good to me so I needed to eat what I could handle. Thursday I chose laundry over exercise after the girls went to bed. So needless to say I started off great and ended with a bust in terms of exercise. I can’t really be mad about a slight gain since last week and I’ll be meal prepping this weekend for next week to start back with the carb cycling!


Weight: 156.0 lbs


3.10 miles in 35:14 (11:21 pace)

3.10 miles in 33:14 (10:22 pace)

1.46 mile walk


Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14: 20.6 lbs

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