Friday, October 31, 2014

Follow Through Friday - 1st Week Complete!

I completed my first week, woohoo! I did a ton of walking, even completed the month of October with more miles than I did in any other month (even before I was pregnant!) - and that doesn't even count anything I may do today, which with it being Halloween and all, I'm sure I'll be walking with EM around the block at least. I started walking with some of the other moms in the neighborhood too. It's nice to get out with other ladies who have kids the same age(s). I'm going to miss this when I have to go back to work in a few weeks. G and I even walked to dinner the other night instead of driving the 2.1 miles each way. I had a great week, even if I didn't lose that much in actual weight overall. It'll be tough this coming week since it's my Birthday on Monday and I have plans to eat out Sunday and Monday night. 

Results for the week:
Weight: 175.2
Pins Moved (lbs lost): one (1.4 lbs lost)
Miles Walked: 20.03

Plan for Next Week: 
Walk 22 miles

I won't lie, I'm a little discouraged that I didn't even lose 2 lbs with all that I've done this week. I almost wonder if I'm eating TOO much, I was told to eat an extra 500 calories to compensate for breastfeeding, but since I'm only pumping, I wonder if it's the same? Or maybe on the contrary, and I'm not eating enough? I know that can be a problem as well. I know once I can run, I'll be burning more calories when I exercise as walking isn't a hard burn but it's definitely helping me build my endurance back up. 

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