Well it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve really posted about what’s been going on.. let’s see if I can sum it up without making this post super long!
Two weekends ago was full of birthday parties and visiting friends while G was on his cruise and me getting super sick (I believe pregnancy related or maybe a 24 hour virus, but it wasn’t pretty, thankfully my in-laws came to my rescue and helped with EM that Sunday night!) Other than me being sick, EM and I had a great weekend spending time with friends!
playing at the party! |
Meeting Baby Scott for the first time! She did so well with him! |
That week I went to West Virginia on a business trip – well we stayed in Cumberland, Maryland but worked across the Potomac River in WV. Cumberland actually was more than just the small Podunk town that I thought it was. We went “exploring” the one night after we were done working and saw some beautiful churches and learned about George Washington’s Headquarters that was there during the Civil War. There is a ton of history there. The last night we stayed by the airport in Baltimore and went out to eat at Phillips Seafood. It was sooo good and I even splurged and got dessert! Oh yea, and it was SUPER cold while we were there and I didn’t pack appropriately, so glad/surprised I didn’t get sick from being in 30 degree weather with only a light sweater!
The Potomac River |
George Washington's Headquaters |
Such pretty trees! |
my delicious desset at Phillips |
Last weekend was Easter Weekend and on Saturday our community had an egg hunt/pot luck with all the neighborhood kiddos. The event was thrown together in like a week and a half and we weren’t sure how many people would actually show up. We were pleasantly surprised of the outcome. I’d say there were at least 40 kids who participated and plenty of food/snacks to go around. I think all the kids really enjoyed themselves. We even had 10 kids in EM’s 0-3 age group, I’d say they were the cutest to watch! We also went to see the Easter Bunny!
Community Egg Hunt |
Easter Basket from Nan and Pap |
Meeting the FREE Easter Bunny! (no charge/nolines = my kind of bunny!) |
On Sunday, we went to my brother’s house for Easter Dinner and to spend time with my side of the Family for the day. We did an egg hunt with the cousins and they played all afternoon and were sooo cute together! I’ve probably said it before but it seriously melts my heart watching them interact. They get along so well! EM got 5 Easter baskets (from school, us, both sets of grandparents, and my brother and his family) and I’m not going to lie, I’m enjoying eating her candy. If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d probably be cringing at the temptation of having it in the house, but this particular Easter I’m loving it!
playing with cousins! |
the coolest doll house ever, totally want one for EM, hint hint Aunt Diana! |
Easter Baskets from Grandma and Paca |
playing with her eggs after the hunt |
The kid's table for Easter Dinner |
This week started my “part-time single mom life”. For at least the next 6 weeks, with potential to be much longer, G will be traveling for work. He’ll be gone Monday through Thursday (or Friday depending on flights) and so it’ll just be EM and Mommy during the week. We’re on day 4 and other than worrying about doing both pick up and drop off with daycare, it has been more than fine. After work there is really only about 1-2 hours before EM goes to bed and some of that time is spent eating dinner, taking baths, and doing the nighttime routine of teeth brushing and story time. The rest of the time is spent playing. G is really helpful around the house though and was usually the one to drop EM off in the mornings (which also included getting her up and dressed) so I’m already missing that help (and of course him too!) I am however enjoying parking in the middle of the garage haha!

G will be home tomorrow, and we really don’t have much planned for the weekend and I’m looking forward to that as the last two weekends have been very busy! I’ve also not been feeling that great most days, so I’m hoping it’s a weekend that I feel good too so that I can enjoy being with my husband and daughter and not just wanting to sleep it away. We do have a bike ride/cook out planned with my old work team for Saturday morning, but not sure if we’re going to participate in the bike ride portion or just go to the cookout and let EM play on the playground there. Depends how I feel. I also haven’t rode a bike while pregnant, so that may be a challenge. Maybe I’ll try it out on Friday first to see how I do before committing to the ride portion. It’ll be good to see all my old work friends, I miss not seeing them every day. So cheers to my weekend, which starts tonight, since it’s an off-Friday for me tomorrow!