We went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom for a few hours last weekend, EM seemed to really enjoy meeting the characters. Maybe we just liked watching her reaction more. We took her on one ride in Dino-Rama (not sure what it was called, but it was like Dumbo but with Dinosaurs) and at first she started to cry because it required her to stay seated in one spot but then seemed kind of like it once we started moving (although it was getting close to nap time so she was cranky too).
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the is the only picture from the ride, clearly not a very good one![]() |
We went to our neighbor’s son’s 1st birthday party Saturday after DAK and EM enjoyed the bounce house! We have two birthday parties this weekend and one will definitely have a bounce house so I know EM will really enjoy that! G is out of town this weekend so it’ll be a Mommy and EM type of weekend!
On Sunday we spent the day at our friend’s house celebrating his Birthday and seeing their 3 week old daughter, Finley. I really enjoyed spending the date just BSing with our group of friends. This was the first time EM met little Finley and she seemed pretty dis-interested. She didn’t seem too jealous when I was holding the baby either, which is good and something I really worry about once Baby # 2 comes. She’d just kind of stare at us. While hanging out over there, once most of the others left, EM was practicing taking steps and we finally got it on video. She got up to about 8-10 steps (although on video it was only about 6). She’s doing better every day and soon enough she’ll be running around!
I bought EM these adorable shoes at one of the 2nd hand shops in our area. I think buying babies/toddler shoes brand new (they outgrow them so quickly), is just silly if you can find gently used ones for half the price. I got her these Nike sneakers which looked brand new for $12 and a pair of sandals and dress shoes for like $4 each. Some sucker paid $40 for those Nike’s and their kid hardly wore them.
Since I’m off today, I’m totally looking forward to a “ME” day today: Massage, Pedi, and Eyebrows! I’m finally out of the 1st trimester, so I scheduled a prenatal massage and can NOT wait until this afternoon to get it. I usually get a massage once a month and it’s been like 3 (a lot of places won’t do them in 1st trimester so I didn’t even try) so my back/neck/legs etc are in dire need! Speaking of being out of the 1st trimester, my due date got moved (back) to October 14th. Based on my LMP it was originally 10/14 but was switched to10/19 based on our 1st US but then after the 2nd US it got moved back to 10/14 – which doesn’t really mean much, it’s only 5 days, but it’s hopefully 5 less days that I’ll be pregnant and 5 less days until we can meet our little one! I’m dying to find out the gender, but we have probably a good 6-8 more weeks before that US will be scheduled and I refuse to pay extra to have a gender determination one earlier. Well, I told myself if I could find a place for $40 or less I’d do it, but of course I couldn’t find any offers for that cheap, although I am keeping my eye open for a Living Social or Groupon deal!
I’m on travel for work ALL next week and SO not looking forward to being away for the week. I used to travel kind of frequently for work a few years ago and got to go to some neat places like Denver, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Montreal, various cities in Cali… no I get to go West Virginia. Not quite as exciting. Not at all.
I really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom on our most recent Disney trip. you're so lucky to be able to just drop in for a few hours!