Friday, January 9, 2015

Follow Through Friday - I'm Back!

Well, hello there 2015! I swear I haven’t completely forgotten about my loyal Follow ThroughFriday readers (all two of you haha) I’ve just been extremely busy. I fell off the wagon with my eating and gained some weight the last few weeks but think I’ve got myself back under control. Too much beer and wine and cookies will do that to you! And I swear that’s not WHY I haven’t posted, it’s truly because I’ve been so busy, I’m obviously reporting it now anyways. On the contrary to the eating side of getting fit in 15 (#fitin15), I HAVE been sticking to my half marathon training plan. I did miss ONE long run, which means I’ve only missed two runs TOTAL and I’m on week 9, so that’s pretty dang good (especially considering I’ve never stuck to a plan more than like 3 weeks before!).  I’ve also noticed that I’m feeling pretty good after my long runs. I’m a little sore, but I can move and as long as I keep moving, I’m do ok.  

For 2014, I logged 271.04miles (115 which were in Nov/Dec). I’m sure there were a few walks that were missed as well but considering  I did ZERO  exercise for like 6 months while pregnant, I’m pretty happy with my miles. I hope to do way more than that this year though (especially if I want to hit my 30x30 goal of 1000 miles – which may have been a little bit of an aggressive goal – same with the quantity of half marathons, but we’ll see where I end up)

I did run again with some awesome ladies from MRTT for my 10 mile run last week, and plan to run with them again tomorrow for 11 miles. It’s so nice to have someone to chat with for 2+ hours of running! Sure beats running around the neighborhood that’s for sure!

So let’s see where I left off (since my last post on 12/19):

Week starting 12/19:
               Weigh in: 171.8
Half marathon Training:
Run 1: 2.91 miles in 35:00 (12:01 pace)
Run 2: 2.54 miles in 30:00 (11:48 pace) ß PACE RUN
Run 3: 8.06 miles in 1:40:12 (12:25 pace)
Additional Walks:  2.32 miles
Total Miles for week: 15.83

Week Starting 12/26:
               Weigh in:
Half marathon Training: 175.8
               Run 1: 3.75 miles in 45:00 (12:00 pace)
               Run 2: 2.52 miles in 30:00 (11:54 pace)
               Run 3: missed my long run of 9 miles L
Total Miles Walked: 2.0 miles
               Total Miles for week: 8.27 miles

Week Starting 1/2:
               Weigh in: 177.2 
Half marathon Training:
               Run 1: 10.15 miles in 2:04:37 (12:16 pace)
               Run 2: 3.65 miles in 45:00 (12:19 pace)   ß PACE RUN
Run 3: 2.55 miles in 30:00 (11:45 pace)
Total Miles Walked: 0.81 miles
               Total Miles for week: 17.26

Today’s Weigh in: 171.6  ß  Lost that HOLIDAY BLOAT!! Woohoo!

Overall Weight Lost since "Starting Point" 10/24/14:  5.0 lbs

Plan for this Week:
Continue the half marathon training plan**, for Friday through Monday it will include: an 11 mile run, one 30-minute run and one 45-minute (one at race pace),

**My half marathon training plan got skewed a little since the 10k I signed up for is next weekend vs. this weekend and I added in another half marathon at the end of the month, so there is a little bit of shuffling being done. I had wanted to do a 11:00 pace for the half but I haven’t gotten there yet so I’m aiming for a 12:00 pace (2:37:12 finish) which would be a PR for me. My (p) runs have been close to there, although honestly I haven’t completely expended myself so I’m sure they could have been a little faster. I’m going to attempt to dig deeper on my shorter runs in hopes to improve my speed a little bit. I also did just read an article about “Yasso 800s” which seems to be mostly directed for marathon runners, but in the comments, people state it helps increase speed for shorter races too so I’m going to give it a try during one of my 45 minute runs. They suggested starting at 4 intervals, which would be 2 miles of speed work and then the recovery. It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out.

Oh yea, I signed up for another two DietBets the last few weeks. I signed up for the "Get Lean in 2015 with Chris and Heidi Powell" which is a 4% in 4 week bet and then another 6 month transformer bet. I missed Round 3 of my current Transformer bet (which sucks because it was such a high pay out this time too!) but I'll make it back in the rest of the game. 

Next 3 weigh ins for DietBets need to be at the following to win:
Transformer (Dec 17) Round 1: 170.1 by January 17 
Transformer (Oct 7) Round 4: 165.6 by February 7
Get Lean in 2015: 173.8 by February 2 (already there! - my initial weighin was super high because of my holiday bloat)  


  1. Good luck on your dietbets! I've only joined one before and lost so I'm reluctant to try one again until I'm fully committed. Good job on your half training!

    1. Thanks, I'm not doing too great this time but hoping to get better these last few months!


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