I take back what I said last week about Juan Pablo, he isn't that lame after all. I do have mixed opinions about him though so after what happened on the group date. So here are my thoughts on this week's episode...
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- I thought the date with Clare was super cute and they definitely got to know each other a lot better. It was definitely something unique to do in LA. I thought the date was great and he seems to really like Clare and likewise Clare seems to really like him.
- The Electric Run date with Kat looked like a blast. I thought it was such a fun idea and with Juan Pablo being such an active guy, it probably gave him a good idea with how active Kat would/could be in the future. She seemed to legitimately enjoy it whereas I could see some of the girls being too stuck up to want to do something like that.
- The group date was interesting. The concept was cute but I don't really think naked girls will help get dogs adopted faster. I lost a lot of respect for Juan Pablo when he convinced Andi to pose nude when she was clearly uncomfortable about it. She's a freaking District Attorney, she doesn't need to be posing nude and he should have respected her class not to push her into doing it. (Although I'm not sure how much any of them REALLY care about their image since they are contestants on the Bachelor, but still, there is a BIG line between being half naked and fully nude (the sign doesn't count). If she was making a big deal about posing in a bikini, I'd say "come on" but nude is completely different. I also thought the producer/director of the shoot was a douche was trying to convince the 1st Grade Teacher Elise to do something she wasn't comfortable with. Luckily, she was smart enough to ask Loopy Lucy to trade.
- Speaking of Lucy, that girl is not pretty at all (in my opinion) and is way too "free-spitited" - she's clearly on the show for entertainment and I don't see JP keeping her around much longer as there is no way he's want someone like her as a step-mom to his daughter. Hey Camila, it's completely normal to walk around butt ass naked in public, yea I don't think so. I did however appreciate the way she interrupted JP's time with Nikki to let him know about Victoria, she did that very nicely.
- On to Victoria, that girl has some serious issues. Normally, girls don't get THAT emotional and dramatic until at least week 4. I'm glad he sent her home at the hotel and she's crazy if she ever thought he'd keep her after that. He's looking for a stable person to raise his daughter with, not someone who goes crazy after a few drinks.
- It's obvious that he really appreciates the single moms, Renee and Cassandra. He obviously knows that they know what it takes to be a parent, and there is something to say about that. Renee is super sweet but come on, kiss him already, you were super close, twice! My first question though to Cassandra would be, um you live in Michigan, is your kid's father ok with you potentially moving him to FL? Although, as I was trying to remember where she was from, a little google search told me the kid's dad is a Detroit Pistons player, so he probably doesn't care that much since he doesn't really stay put for long anyways. I like both the mom's a lot, and Renee is really sweet for trying to help all the girls when they are sad, it must be the Mom in her.
That's all I really want to say about this week, I still think Nikki is super cute and at this time is my favorite, but damnit she's not on my fantasy league so based on my team, Kat is my fave!
Bachelor Fantasy League Standings:
Money League Standings after Week 2
JL: 670
LL: 600
JR: 390
DS: 320
SR: 180
ME: 175
KW: 140
The Teams:
JL: Elise, Lucy, Lauren H, Christine, Victoria
JR: Amy L, Christi, Elise, Kat, Victoria
LL: Alli, Cassandra, Elise, Lucy, Valerie
DS: Victoria, Sharleen, Nikki, Kat, Andi
ME: Alexis, Christi, Kat, Lacy, Valerie
SR: Alexis, Amy L, Chelsie, Kat, Lauren S
KW: Alexis, Ashley, Chelsie, Lauren H, Valerie
Received a Rose:
Alli, Andi, Cassandra, Chelsie, Christi, Clare, Danielle, Elise, Kat, Kelly, Lauren S, Lucy, Nikki, Renee, Sharleen
Sent Packing:
Victoria, Amy L, Chantel
Points Earned:
Kiss JP (FIRST): Clare (100) – not on any teams
Appears alone in Hot Tub with JP: Clare (100) – not on any teams
Has a body part censored by ABC (FIRST): Lucy (100)
Involved in a real kiss: Clare (20), Cassandra (20)
Swears: Victoria (20), Kat (20)
Cries: Victoria (20), Cassandra (20)
Interrupts Another Contestant’s Alone Time with Juan Pablo: Chelsie (30), Lucy (30)
Has a body part censored by ABC: Lucy (30), Andi (30)
Receives a rose on group date: Kelly (30)
Gets a 1-on-1 Date: Clare (30), Kat (30)
Reads a Date Card: Elise (50), Clare (50), Blonde? - did anyone catch who it was?
Receives first given rose at Ceremony: Cassandra (50)
Eliminations Points:
JL: 100/each: Chantel, Kelly - 100 Earned
JR: 50/each: Andi, Kelly, Lucy, Nikki - ZERO earned
LL: 100/each: Chantel, Kelly - 100 Earned
DS: 20/each: Ali, Amy L, Cassandra, Chelsie, Christi, Danielle, Elise, Kelly, Renee, Victoria- 40 earned
ME: 50/each: Victoria, Christy, Danielle, Elise - 50 Earned
KW: 50/each: Cassandra, Chantel, Danielle, Elise - 50 Earned
SR: 50/each: Cassandra, Chantel, Sharleen, Victoria - 100 Earned
Dropping by from Totally Posted Tuesday! Oh boy, I used to get together with my girlfriends and watch the Bachelor. It's so fun to watch!
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