Yey, it’s Friday and an “Off-Friday” at that, so hello weekend! Today’s 5 on Friday is really only 2 things and some pictures to make it 5!
(1) EM and I are visiting my parents this weekend. It was supposed to be just me since G was supposed to take EM to Philly for the weekend to surprise his sister for her 30th birthday (Happy 30th Birthday C!) but since it was supposed to rain the entire weekend and they were planning on being out and about, we decided it wouldn’t be good for EM to be out in the cold. There was a 70% chance of rain and temps in the 50’s. If it had just been cold, they could have bundled her, but with the rain, I didn’t want her to get sick. And since I was already planning on spending the weekend with my parents, now we both are and of course my parents are happy to have us both for 3 days.
(2) And now for the big news! Well remember how I’ve been sucking at “Follow through Friday”? Well, the reason is because I’m pregnant! yey! I’ve been feeling like crap in the mornings (nauseous only, luckily have only thrown up twice) and then going to bed not much later than EM, most nights because I’m so tired! This happened when I was pregnant with EM too. Now that I’m nearing the end of the 1st trimester (I’m 10 weeks 6 days, today – so 2ish wks to go!) I’m hoping that my energy level perks up a little so I can at least do some walking as I haven’t been doing anything (besides the few races, but nothing since my last one) and feel disgusting! I’ve luckily only put on 2 lbs, which technically you aren’t supposed to put on anything in the 1st trimester so hoping to not put on anything more. I haven’t been eating healthy and letting my cravings get the best of me, so I’m surprised I haven’t put on more. I FEEL like I’ve put on more as my body is already starting to shift and my clothes are already starting to not fit. I seriously don’t know how some people stay so active during pregnant. I’m going to try better than last time, but it’s hard when all you want to do it sleep and eat carbs!
We found out back in February, two days before the cruise. Normally, we wouldn’t have told ANYONE (not even our parents) until after we went to at least our 1st doctor appt, but since we were all going on a cruise together, they would figure it out if I wasn’t drinking so we told them before the cruise. It was fun as we left with G’s dad so he found out first as he walked in the door, EM crawled over to him wearing her “Big Sister” shirt, then we went to pick up G’s mom from work and she saw the shirt. Their reactions were priceless (yes, we video recorded them!). My parents were meeting us at the cruise terminal and because of the birth certificate fiasco, we were kind of off to the side waiting to get that figured out when they showed up in line to check in. So we walked over to them with EM in my arms facing out and my mom always likes to see if EM puts her arms out for her, and of course she did so that’s when she picked up on the shirt and pretty much screamed “You’re pregnant” in true New Yorker fashion and then my dad noticed it. (yes, we video recorded that as well!) They too were priceless! And for anyone who saw pictures of me and my drinking from the cruise, they were staged pcitures, my sister kept asking if I was drinking (she knew we were trying to get pregnant) so we posted those pictures to throw her off until after the cruise so I could tell her myself. We’ve been telling family and close friends the last few weeks with the final person (G’s Sister) being told today while he is up there surprising her for her 30th Birthday. (He insisted on telling certain people in person and since this trip was already planned it just worked out perfect with the timing of when we planned to announce). So far, we’ve had two doctor appts and an ultrasound and everything looks good. We go back for our next ultrasound on Monday and I’m excited to see the baby look more like a baby and less like a “blob”. My official due date based on the ultrasound is October 19th, and of course my father-in-law is hoping I have the baby early on his birthday (October 7th) since I had EM early and it happened to fall on my Dad’s birthday. Of course, the baby will comes when he/she is ready and we are just hoping for a healthy baby and delivery! So now, without further ado, here is our picture announcement (we had a little photo shoot with EM and G had some fun playing with Aperture!):
see, she isn't ALWAYS smiling |
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our little "blob" |
And our only family photo from the cruise where we told our family