This is totally a post of a bunch of random things so it works out perfectly for a Random Wednesday link-up with Shanna!
- G and I went to see the Hunger Games: Catching Fire in iMAX last night. OMG AMAZING! Loved it! Granted I haven't read the book since before the 1st movie came out so I wasn't sitting there comparing the book to the movie the whole time since I don't exactly remember all of the book whereas I had JUST finished reading the books when I saw the first movie so I was constantly comparing the movie to the book and the book is always better (I've never NOT had that be the case). I'm sure that's the case with the 2nd as well but since I don't remember the book, I loved the movie! Oh yea, there was a preview (well more like a commercial before the real previews started) for Flowers in the Attic, the movie coming on Lifetime in January. I can't wait to see it. I loved those books when I was younger! All the rest of the previews sucked. I usually enjoy watching them to see what is coming out (even though I only go to the movies like twice a year and redbox everything lol) but not ONE of the movies intrigued me. That's what I get for seeing an action/special effects type movie - all the previews were for similar type movies and I have NO desire to see any of them. Give me chick flicks, romantic comedies, or dramas, you can keep the rest!
- Remember how I said in my Space Coast Recap that I was feeling ready for my half on Saturday, yea well, I lied. Initially I was feeling good, but the last day or so my "bad" foot (they are both "bad" but my right foot is all kinds of fused together and has had several surgeries so when I say "bad" I'm referring to that one. My left foot only had a bunionectomy and seems fine now, so it's still dubbed my "good" foot) has been hurting and if it stays hurting like it is, I will SO not be looking forward to it! Hopefully it'll clear up in the next 3 days!
- I've been entering a lot of blog giveaways lately (I never knew these existed before I started blogging a few months ago) and because most them require you to follow the giveaway sponsors' blogs, I am now following a bajillion blogs on blogloving, GFC, FB, and Twitter. I've come across a lot of really good ones that I enjoy reading on a regular basis. Which I really want to participate in one of those giveaways to get my name out there, does anyone know how? Well, I actually WON one of the giveaways. I was beginning to think no one actually won these things and it was just a way for them to get followers since I hardly ever heard about the winners, but it appears they contact the winners privately, at least that is what Jessica @ Here & Now did when I won). So I won this beautiful (and apparently popular in the celebrity fashion world - which I of course did not know lol) Dogeared Hugs & Kisses XO Sterling Silver Necklace ($48.00 value!) from the Jeweler's Wife. I received it quickly after providing my address and it came in a nice box from the Jeweler's Wife. Woohoo!

- I've entered the #2014BloggerChallenge. I can't recall where I first saw about this (see above and how I follow a bajillion blog now) but thought it would be a fun idea (and give me new topics, although I haven't yet had any trouble of things to blog about) From the host's blog: "The challenge is to write a blogpost twice a month about different topics. The #2014bloggerchallenge posts will go live during the 1st and the 3rd weeks of each month. Everyone who signs up will be sent an email with the post topics. The topic ideas are there to give you new ideas and encourage you to write about things you wouldn't normally write about." It's still open for entries through December 9th so go visit her blog if you are interested in joining.

- Remember how I started playing Fantasy Football this year? Well it is the end of the "regular season" in my one (money) league and I'm inin 4th place (3rd in my division)!. Not too bad for a first timer! I have a chance of winning at least my money back or even more if I do well in the playoffs. My record for that team "Bad News Beers" is 7-6. In my other (fun) league I have the same record with my team "Woo Girls" but am in 6th place (2nd in my division) and we have one more week to play before playoffs. I'd have to say I'm definitely enjoying playing but "care" more about winning in the money league (Obviously!). I think I'll continue to play next year. I've had a good experience with it, although I do need to learn more about the players (and watch more games) in regards to trades and additions and not just rely on other people's opinions and start forming my own.
- EM has been sick for the past week and every time she gets a cold her eyes get super "gooky" (crusty/full of eye boogers) so daycare sends her home. This time is no exception. They always say they think it's pink eye and that she has to be out for at least 24 hours (we took her to the DR the last two times and they reassured us both times it's just her way of getting out all the extra mucus since her face is so little but regardless we have to keep her home). So of course, she went back to daycare Monday (she hasn't been there since Wednesday of last week due to the Holiday) and her eyes were gooky and they called me around lunch time to pick her up. I explained to them that she always gets like this when she's sick but that I understand their concern and will come get her. They told me she could come back Tuesday if her eyes were clear. And of course, they weren't clear Tuesday morning so I kept her home with me again. Luckily, my company now allows telecommuting (on a non-reoccurring basis) for things that come up and this is the perfect opportunity to use it. I love working from home. I get so much MORE done without all the office space distractions. Granted it takes me longer than the typical 9 hours to get 9 hours of work in since I obviously have to tend to EM as well but it's better than missing an entire day of work plus I don't have to commute! EM plays so nicely down on the floor next to me while I work and took a long 2 hour nap. At this age, it's possible to get a full day in easily with her home. EM is acting more than fine and hopefully they won't send her home today after I drop her off. BTW, EM is on a nebulizer for her cough and that thing is pure torture, poor thing screams bloody murder every time we use it although when G does it he doesn't have to pin her arms down (to not rip off the mask) and she seems much calmer so he's now the one who administers the nebulizer. The two times I've seen him give it to her she barely cries and doesn't try to rip it off. Must be that Daddy touch! Hopefully we can discontinue using the torture device soon. Really hoping before our cruise on Sunday!
Little Girl BUSTED
was such a nice day out, had the door open and she threw her toys on the patio |
Taking the Nebulizer like a champ for Daddy |
Do you ever enter Blog Giveaways? Have you ever won? What?
Do you play Fantasy Football? any pointers?
you can get in on giveaways by becoming friends with bloggers who may be running them, sponsoring blogs, or looking out for when people call for others to help their giveaways!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'll keep an eye out for them!