Today, I am linking up with Taylor over at The Daily Tay for ‘Someday I will…’
So without further ado, Someday I will..
- Not snoop before my Birthday/Holiday on my Amazon.com Wish list. It doesn’t tell me who bought the items, just that they were bought, so I’m still surprised when whoever gives it to me. I did the same thing for my wedding and baby registries. G hated it when I’d tell him what we were getting in advance
- Rock a 2-piece again (stretch marks and all)
- Make a 30 by 30 List. I was actually going to do this for my post today, but I couldn’t come up with 30 things (that can be completed in 2 years) that quickly, so it’ll be posted in a few days
- Exercise before work on a regular basis
- “Do” my hair for work more than once in a blue moon (who has time for that anyways?!)
- Care more about my appearance (in terms of hair/makeup/dressing up – see above)
- Be able to maintain my weight without being on a “diet” / tracking everything I shove in my mouth
- Spend an entire day at the spa. (What do you do there all day? I think the most time I’ve ever spent at a spa is a few hours)
- Fit into all the clothes in my closet
- Get more than 1 or 2 comments on a blog post (hint hint readers!)
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