Friday, February 28, 2014

Follow Through Friday - Week 5

This week ended up being an utter failure, worse than Week 4I really hate not feeling 100%. 

Friday (2 Mile Run + Strength) / FAIL
I wasn't feeling well so took it easy. 

Saturday (Rest)
I actually had plans to do my Sunday run on Saturday with a group of ladies from my "Moms Run this Town" group, which would have been my first meet up with them, but when I woke up I still wasn't feeling well so I had to to cancel. Boo!

Sunday(4 Mile Run) / FAIL
I actually started to feel better on Sunday afternoon, but we had a house full of people the entire day and by the time they left I was exhausted, so another day of excuses. 

Monday (Stretch + Strength)
Finally, I felt good again, and so I did 2 intervals of the arms workout which consisted of what is listed below and then decided to walk on the treadmill for a half hour and did 1.91 miles.

  • Treadmill – 2% incline, run at 7 mph for 1 min
  • Chair or bench Dips – 20 reps 
  • Dumbbell Curls – 10lb dumbbell – 10 reps 
  • Close grip girl push ups – 15 reps 
  • Cross Body Hammer Curl – 10 lb db – 10 reps (just realized I only did these on my first go around, whoops!)
  • Kettlebell Swings – 25 
  • Knee to Opposite Elbows – 20 each side alternating
Tuesday (3 Mile Run)
When I first started out on Tuesday, I was thinking it was cross training day which means walking to me, and then I realized I was supposed to be running but I hadn't felt like running since I was already in a walking mindset. I ended up only doing 21 minutes (1.31 miles) because EM woke up. Later in the evening, we took a walk around the neighbordhood with G's mom and Nan (which is pretty slow) and did another 1.55 miles in 35 minutes. Didn't hit 3 miles exactly, but came close. Better than nothing.

Wednesday (40 Mins Cross Training)/ FAIL
Ugh I was doing so good, and the last week or so I've been horrible.

Thursday (Rest) 
Success! Although, I SHOULD have made up previous fail days. 

Friday (2 Mile Run + Strength) / FAIL
Another day of nothing, I didn't even hit 5,000 steps on my pedometer. I do have a 10k in the morning though, so looks like Saturday won't be a fail at least!

Ipsy "The Look of Love" February 2014 Glam BagReview

Well, I FINALLY received my ipsy Glam Bag yesterday! It took FOREVER! I actually thought it was lost because the tracking information never updated after February 17th (shipped on the 10th) so I contacted ipsy and they said if I hadn't received by the 25th to let them know and they'd send me a new one. So they did (it's in transit) and of course this one showed up on the 27th (and now the tracking into is updated, go figure!). I've NEVER had a problem with receiving my bags before so I'm hoping this was just an anomaly. I'm waiting on a response to see if they want me to send the 2nd bag back, of if I am allowed to keep it or what they are going to say. 

For those of you that don't know, ipsy is a monthly subscription service where or only $10/month (cancel at anytime!) you get a Glam Bag (make up bag) filled with 4-5 beauty products curated by Michelle Phan! You get ipsyPoints for reviewing your items (and for doing other things within the site) that can be used toward purchases of additional items. This was my third month receiving ipsy and each month I'm just as impressed as the previous. 

First things first, ipsy comes in a pretty envelope and inside is of course the Glam Bag stuffed with goodies.  The theme this month was "The Look of Love" and at first I thought it was to prepare for Valentine's Day but since most members didn't get their bags until after Valentine's day I don't think that was the intention after all.  Their Glam Room for this month says "Get ready to set your gaze on beauty goodies so good you'll fall in love at first sight" ipsy doesn't send out information cards (Birchbox does, which I definitely prefer). however, an information card isn't really necessary since all items can be found on their website and all have coupon codes for additional purchases if you want to buy some more. It looks like there were a possibility of 15 items (although multiple variations/shades of some items) and each subscriber got some combination of 5 of them depending on their preferences from their ipsy beauty quiz match. Now on to my goodies!

Plump Pout Mini by Pop Beauty (in Peony Petal) - I LOVE the color of this lip gloss, it's a little darker than I'd typically wear (I'm more super light pink/nude) but it'll be nice to switch it up when I feel like being a little fanicer. It's supposed to plump your lips, and every other plumping gloss I've used made my lips tingle, this one didn't. So I'm not sure if it actually plumps or maybe this kind feels different (I didn't notice any actual plumping though). Regardless, love the application of the gloss and the texture but don't think I'd pay $16 for the full size. (~$7.47 for .14 oz sample )

Zoya Nail Polish (in Dot) - I am just not a fan of the color I received (or the other color that was sent out). It's definitely a spring/easter-y color but I'm more of a red or deep or bright pink type of girl. I'm going to put this in my giveaway box**. They have some awesome colors on their website though (like Pixie Dust!), wish I would have gotten on of those! (not that I even paint my nails that often because of my terrible biting habit but I do like to do my toes!) I believe they gave us full size sample ($9.00 for .5 oz)

Be Matte Blush by City Color (in Melon) - I don't do blush at all, I don't know how to properly apply it and I'm more of a bronzer type girl anyways. I think this would look too clown like on my face. This too will be put in my giveaway box. I'm curious to read other's opinions on this brand though because it's very reasonably priced! Another full size sample ($2.99 for .314 oz)

Eyetini Codrial Cream Shadow + Base in One by Tini Beauty (in Ambrosia) - Since my bag was so late, I had plenty of time to read reviews of other people's bags so I knew this was an eye shadow from those reviews. However, just by the look of it, I would have assumed it was a lip product (although on the back end where it says the color, it does use the word "shadow". This is where an information card would come in handy. The color is pretty, although would have preferred to get the purple shade (Violetta) they sent out as I could see myself using that one more often (since I wear a done of purple!). And this is the 3rd full size sample of the bag! ($18.00 for .14 oz)

Moist & Firm BB by IPKN NEW YORK (in light) - I've read a lot on BB creams and my friend Katie at Makeup your Mind did a great post on them in general, so I'm not 100% sold on BB creams. However, I've been using a lot more moisturizers and skincare products on my face lately and have noticed my skin looks much smoother so I am excited to try this one, especially since it has SPF 45 in it! This sample is pretty small though, so I'm not sure i'll be able to get a true feel for it I like it or not. (~$1.35 for .05 oz sample)

Total Estimated Value: $38.81 (not including the bag itself or any shipping) 
Total Price Paid: $10 (free shipping)

Overall Impression: A few of these items this month aren't for me, but overall the value was great and the products that are for me, I love. One of these days I'm going to have to make a decisison between ipsy and Birchbox  and it's going to be tough. I'm just getting SOO many items and not using them nearly enough. Although, I have been making an effort to actually use/try some of them out each week.

If you are interested in signing up for ipsy, use my referral link (and I thank you in advance for some ipsyPoints to use for future add on items!)

Did you get ipsy this month? Did you like it? What'd you get?

**FUTURE GIVEAWAY** once I got 100 followers on BlogLovin' or 200 on Facebook (whichever happens first) - I am going to host a giveaway with all my Birchbox and ipsy items that aren't things I would typically use but I know others who would love. So make sure you follow me if you are reading me!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

It's been awhile since I've done a Thursday Thoughts post, so figured I'd give a little update. 
Valentine's Day!

On Sunday, we had a houseful as my Aunt and grand parents from NY were visiting so they plus my parents and my sister and her husband all came over to spend the afternoon. I haven't seen the NY family since my sister's wedding in March last year. We all had a great time visiting. We took a Four Generations picture with my Grandfather, Mom, me, and EM. We took one last year as well, it's so neat to see the changes (mostly in EM) but overall the 2014 picture is such a better picture of us all!
March 2013
February 2014

"Devastated" / "You're Lying" / "NO WAY" - just a few of the reactions I've received when I told the people I work with that I'm being rotated off my current program at work. I'm pretty sad about it as I've been on the same program for almost 8 years (including my internship) and really love my "work family" and I think it's pretty obvious they value me the same. I've received some of the nicest compliments about my job performance and how they are going to miss me and my new program is lucky to have me. I know it's going to be a great opportunity for me to learn something new but doesn't make leaving any easier. I start my new role on March 17th. I'll be doing the same job, just on a different program, with different people, and a different supplier(s). I also don't know which suppliers I'll be managing yet and that's frustrating me, but I have a meeting set up with my new manager for Monday to hopefully learn more. 

EM was home from daycare on Monday and Tuesday with "Pink Eye" - I use that term lightly because her eye has never actually been pink when she gets sent home for pink eye. Although, this time it actually was slightly pink so she's on the pink eye meds (which are next to impossible to give her) but now her cough is back so I'm thinking her eye was actually just all goopy and nasty because she was getting a cold again (which is what happened in the past during all her other "pink eye" cases. Two weeks ago  she has a fever for two days and was just miserable but this time she's acting more than fine and was probably enjoying having some extra Mommy time. She's back on the nebulizer for her cough/congestion and is taking it like a champ. She no longer screams like a banshee or tries to rip the mask off her face, she just sits there like a good little girl for her entire treatment. I even had her smiling under the mask! 

EM kept escaping to our home gym while she was home sick and I was trying to get some work done and I'd find her playing on the treadmill, maybe she'll be a runner one day after all (you know, once she actually walks!)

And that concludes my Thursday Thoughts for today, a link-up with Jen @ Ramblings of a Suburban Mom.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bachelor Recap / Fantasy Standings: Week 8 (Part 2)

OOOOH Fantasy Suite night and Andi’s big departure! Only a few comments to make:

  • I’ve been saying it for a while, but I think Clare is the one for him, ALTHOUGH, I think Nikki’s going to win.
  • And by win, I mean, she’s not going to last with him by any means, she’s clearly not INTO the same things as him, and that’s a big deal.
  •  I’m so glad Andi FINALLY realized what a douche Juan Pablo is, even if it did take her this long. I bet her dad was super stocked to watch last night’s episode
  • As glad as I was to watch her tell him what’s up, after a while I was like ummm ok we (the viewers) get it, and it’s clear Juan Pablo doesn’t care or get what he did wrong so just give it up. But then again, I know when you are mad it’s hard to just stop.
  • I find it hilarious that he thought the overnight with Andi went SO well, when it clearly didn’t, but then again when you are a self-absorbed person, you of course wouldn’t notice that.

And now its's time for the Bachelor Fantasy League Standings: (which I am totally not winning - however I am in 3rd place in the non-money League, tell me again why I picked different teams!)

Money League Standings after Week 8 (Episode 2)
DS: 2750
JL: 1760
JR: 1670
LL: 1610
KW: 1100
ME: 1085
SR: 940

The Teams:
JL:  Elise, Lucy, Lauren HChristineVictoria
JR: Amy LChristiEliseKatVictoria
LL: Alli, Cassandra, EliseLucyValerie
DS: Victoria, Sharleen, Nikki, Kat, Andi
ME: AlexisChristiKat, LacyValerie
SR: AlexisAmy LChelsieKat, Lauren S
KW: AlexisAshleyChelsieLauren HValerie

Received a Rose:
Clare, Nikki,

Sent Packing:
Andi (left on her own)

Points Earned:
Involved in a real kiss: Nikki (20), Andi (20), Clare (20)
Cries: Andi (20)
Swears: Andi (20)
Unplanned Meet up with JP: Andi (50)
Receives first given rose at Ceremony: Nikki (50)
Makes it to Finale: Clare (100), Nikki (100)

Eliminations Points:
JL: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned
JR: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned
LL: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned
DS: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned
ME: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned
KW: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned
SR: 200/each: Andi - 200 earned

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bachelor Recap / Fantasy Standings: Week 8 (Part 1)

I hate that it was a double episode week, as much as I love this train-wreck, 4 hours of Juan Pablo is too much for me, I've got things to do (like sleep!) at night! 

  • I thought Nkki's hometown went well, but her date was lame. 
  • I loved Andi's date, although I definitely didn't picture her to be a "southern girl" even though I knew she was from Atlanta. I want to learn to shoot a gun (it's on my 30x30 list) so I think it's badass that she knows how and is good at it. Andi's Dad's response to Juan Pablo about how he feels about potential engagement was absolutely PERFECT!
  • Renee is falling and I feel bad. I stand by the comment that I think she's too good for him and am glad she got sent home. It's definitely a blessing in disguise. 
  • I find it funny that Nikki and Renee couldn't say they love him and then Andi is trying to convince herself she loves him. 
  • Clare's date was lame but very sweet. If it was a different guy I'd say it was perfect. 
  • Clare's one sister is such a bitch. Seriously, let Momma talk. 

More tomorrow night... which looks like it should be a good episode!

And now its's time for the Bachelor Fantasy League Standings: (which I am totally not winning-boo!)

Money League Standings after Week 8 (Episode 1)
DS: 2270
JL: 1560
JR: 1470
LL: 1410
KW: 900
ME: 885
SR: 740

The Teams:
JL:  Elise, Lucy, Lauren HChristineVictoria
JR: Amy LChristiEliseKatVictoria
LL: Alli, Cassandra, EliseLucyValerie
DS: Victoria, Sharleen, Nikki, Kat, Andi
ME: AlexisChristiKat, LacyValerie
SR: AlexisAmy LChelsieKat, Lauren S
KW: AlexisAshleyChelsieLauren HValerie

Received a Rose:
Clare, Nikki, Andi

Sent Packing:

Points Earned:
Made it to Top 3: Andi (75), Clare, (75), Nikki (75)
Involved in a real kiss: NIkki (20), Andi (20), Renee (20), Clare (20)
Cries: Renee (20), Clare (20)
Receives first given rose at Ceremony: NIkki (50)
First girl to say I love You: Renee (50) 

Eliminations Points:
JL: 200/each: Renee - 200 earned
JR: 200/each: Renee - 200 earned
LL: 200/each: Andi - ZERO earned
DS: 100/each:  Andi, Care  - ZERO earned
ME: 100/each: Andi, Renee - 100 earned
KW: 200/each: Andi - ZERO earned
SR: 200/each: Andi - ZERO earned
Glossy Blonde

Friday, February 21, 2014

Influenster J'Adore VoxBox Review

A few months ago I signed up for Influenster after hearing about it on Ramblings of a Suburban Mom and am happy to report I received my first VoxBox! I wasn’t sure I was active enough to actually get anything, but turns out I am!

According to their website, “Influensteris a free-to-join community of trendsetters, social media masterminds, and educated consumers who live to give opinions of products and experiences. The Influenster site is a hub where members meet to learn about new products from our favorite brands as well as review the products they already use in their day-to-day lives! Influenster invites its most active members to participate in exclusive VoxBox programs where members receive complimentary products to test and review. In exchange, we ask our members to do what they already love to do: share their opinions with their friends & followers on social media!”

I received the J’Adore Voxbox and the information card said "A little Valentine from us to you, mon cherie. Filled with trinkets, joy, and a certain je ne sais quoi, the J'adore VoxBox will have you head over heels and whispering tweet nothings: J'adore, I adore, we adore...."

Hershey Kisses Family Size Bag ($5.29 for 18.5 oz) – OMG I love chocolate and Hershey kisses are the best! They are the perfect snack at only 22 calories each they are great for a mid-afternoon pick me up! This huge bag will last a long time! 

Boots Botanics Shine Away Ionic Clay Mask ($9.39 for 3.5 oz) – I’ve done several masks before but never a clay one, so I’m very excited to try this! 

Frizz Ease 3-Day Straight Flat Iron Spray (~$2.85 for 1 oz sample) – Looks like I’m going to have to actually straighten my hair one of these days to try this out. It’s supposed to keep your hair straight for 3 days (or until next washing). Usually my flat iron sprays tend to make my hair feel/look greasy and I HAVE to wash my hair the next day so I’ll be interested to see how this one works!

Kiss Looks So Natural Lashes ($3.99) – I wish I had somewhere kind of fancy to go soon to try these out. I’d feel silly just wearing them to work or something! I’ve worn lashes in the past and LOVED the way they made my eyes look. Although, I’ve never put them on myself, so that could be a problem. 

Red Rose Simply Indulgent Teas (~$.90 for 4) – I am NOT a tea fan at all. This is now in my drawer awaiting a visit from my mom or some other tea drinker. I like to keep a stash so I can accommodate others when they want tea!

Vaseline Men Spray Lotion ($7.99 for 6.5 oz) – well G was watching me open this box and looked at this item strangely. I assumed this was so you didn’t have to rub the lotion in which would probably be the only way he’d put lotion on, but turns out you do still have to rub it in but it does apply nicely! G will never use this but I sure will!

Total Value:  ~$30.41
Total Cost: FREE

It was very exciting to get picked to receive and review this box! I love all the items (except the tea, although I’m sure someone will love it) and the fact that it was free is pretty freaking awesome!

Did you receive a VoxBox recently? What was in it? 

If you'd like to join Influenester, please let me know and I can send you an invite!

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.

Bulu Box February 2014 Review

My February Bulu Box  arrived the other day. For those of you that don't know, Bulu Box is the best way to discover vitamin, supplement, health and weight loss products! You can choose between Bulu Box or Bulu Box Weight Loss. Once you're signed up, you can earn an easy 50 points (that's $5!) or more each month by reviewing, sharing and completing short surveys about your products and samples. Use your Reward Points to purchase full-size versions of the products you like best. (that was the description straight from their website). It costs $10/month with free shipping. This was my third month receiving it and I received the Bulu Box Weight Loss version.  

Bulu Box sends a bunch of coupons and advertisements in their boxes plus a nice information card explaining each of the products.

The Good Bean Roasted Chickpea Snack(~$0.75 for .75 oz sample) – This is a 90 calories sample of roasted chickpeas with sea salt. I like hummus, which is made of chickpeas however I’m not so sure if these will be as good. I plan to throw them in my snack drawer at work to try one day soon. The regular size is 2.5 oz and is 120 calories.

SoyJoy (~$1.58) - I haven’t tried this particular flavor but the last time I tried one of these I wasn’t impressed enough to buy another. Hopefully this flavor will be a little bit better. These bars use real fruit, whole soy and are gluten-free.

Power Crunch Proto Whey Ultraburn Protein(~$2.78) – the last protein they sent was actually pretty tasty but since I already do Shakeology (and LOVE IT), I didn’t purchase it. This one advertises to support fat loss and maintain lean muscles and only has 130 calories per serving (well, in the Vanilla café flavor that I received).

Fruit Chia Bar (~$1.67) – Chia seeds seem to be the new healthy food buzz word lately so I’m curious to try this. These bars are created using real fruit and all natural chia seeds and are supposed to be good for a candy alternative. Gluten and GMO free as well.

Chosen Foods MetaPowder High Fiber Blend Sticks (~$1.07) - This is apparently a weight loss drink stick? I’ve never heard of a drink stick before but it appears to be some sort of fiber blend that you put in your drinks (smoothies). It is supposed to help support your immune system, increase healthy gut bacteria, improve metabolism and aid in weight control. Sounds kind of like Plexus.

Total Estimated Value of Box: ~$7.85
Total Cost of Box: $3.75 - it's normally $10 (free shipping), I paid less because I found a deal on Plum District

Overall Impression: I’ve seen much better varieties of Bulu Box out there (more food samples), and looks like after I updated my profile since last month, this one is a little better, I have one month left on my 3 month subscription and am at this time I’m more than likely not going to continue as I’m not even getting $10 worth of stuff each month.

If you want to sign up for Bulu Box, please use my referral link here.

Did you get  Bulu Box? Were you impressed? 

Disclosure: This post contains referral links.

Citrus Lane February 2014 Review

So many boxes are sitting on my counter awaiting a review; since Citrus Lane is my favorite box to receive I figured I’d work on it first. For those of you that don't know, Citrus Lane  is a monthly subscription service where you get a box of goodies for your child that are geared towards their current age (and sometimes Mommy) each month delivered to your door. You never know what you are going to get, but overall I have not been disappointed. Plans start at $29/month but if you buy longer subscriptions you can get them as low as $19/month).

Citrus Lane always includes a very nice information card with their boxes. On the front of it, it talked about sending items to brighten up the dismal winter weather. Luckily for us Floridians, spring is pretty much here with 80 degree weather! On the back of the info card lists the items and descriptions and some coupon codes!

This is what I got in my 15 Month Old, Baby Girl February 2014 Box and the approximate retail value I found for each item from their specific website (or Amazon, since if you know me, I'm an Amazon Junkie and would most likely buy from there). Sometimes I have to do some math because the sizes aren’t quite the same, hence why they are approximate values. 
first look

Water Bugs from Boon  ($7.99) – this is a cute toy and will be fun to play with when we get EM’s water table back up and running in the back yard! It’s supposed to be a bath toy but she just likes to throw bath toys out of the tub, so I’m going to make this one an outside water toy. Boon toys are also BPA free!

Silicone Bowl from Oogaa ($8.99) – we are finally getting to the time where we can give EM dishes instead of putting everything on her tray - although we are still working on her NOT throwing the dishes when she’s finished. This will be a good addition to our collection and it is BPA free too!

Starlight Sailor from Barefoot Books ($14.99) – this story is so cute, we’ve already read it three times and only got the box yesterday! It is a larger board book than we’ve received in the past and the pictures are cute and colorful.

Green Apple Defy Hand Cream from Juice Beauty ($12.00 for 2 oz.) – I really need to get better about putting cream on my hands (and my whole body actually). I’ll throw this in my purse so I have it handy! Oh yea, and for those who care, it’s organic!

Total Estimated Value of Box: ~$43.97 (not including shipping)
Total Cost of Box: $29.00 (free shipping) -- I only paid $10 though because of an awesome deal I found on Plum District.

Overall Impression: Loved this box! It had a nice variety of items and all will get used!  The overall value was pretty good too!

If you are interested in signing up for Citrus Lane… please use my referral link and get $10/off your first box (and I’ll get a $10 credit as well)

Remember, you can cancel at any time, so your first box would only be $19, not too shabby!

Did you get Citrus Lane this month? What'd you get and for how old of a child?

Disclosure: This post contains referral links!