Since I had a busy weekend, I’m going to split my post into
two sections. This is Weekend Shenanigans - Part 2 (Part 1 is here)
EM wasn’t feeling too well on Saturday morning/afternoon, just
looked so miserable. Although I did love the cuddling, I felt so bad for
her. She was coughing and had a little
fever. She normally only naps max 1 hr a day and on Saturday she slept a good 4
hours on and off and then still slept through the night. We had to give her
medicine (Infant Advil) for the first time ever (I guess making it 11.5 months
without baby meds is pretty darn good!. Within 30 minutes of taking the Advil
she was back to her normal happy self.
Saturday night we went to my in-laws for a going away party for G’s
uncle. It’s always nice to spend time with them. EM of course ate up all the extra attention
she got from the family members. We also
noticed her doing something new for the first time, finally able to get back
into a sitting position from being on her belly/back/crawling! By the way, she was fine today!
poor EM looked terrible |
.JPG) |
a few hours later, back to her happy self! |
Sunday was my birthday! I’m officially 28 years old, and so
that required me to update my “about me” page. I also played around on picmokey and added in a signature. I know you are all sooo excited about that, I
don’t really like the one I came up with but maybe I’ll have some more time
later this week to play around with it!
I started my Birthday off by sleeping in (thanks G! – although I almost
always get to sleep in on Sundays, even when it’s not my birthday b/c G is
awesome!). I spent the morning relaxing
on the couch and playing with EM before heading to Seasons 52 for our good
friends, Ryan and Jenny’s Gender Reveal Brunch! As we were pulling into the
parking lot, EM got sick all over herself and the car, that wasn’t fun.
Luckily, I had a change of clothes in my diaper bag, and after quite a few
wipes and a quick change, we were back in business. She seemed fine after that.
Sometimes I think she gets car sick since she’s pretty much only ever gotten
sick in the car. Who knows.. Anyways back to the Gender Reveal.. my guess was
they were having a boy, and I was wrong. I’m super excited for their little
bundle of pink joy to come in March! EM doesn’t know it yet, but she is too! We
had a wonderful time at brunch and they even all sang to me for my birthday when
they brought out dessert. (I forgot to take a picture of the yummy shot glass
dessert “cake” but I found a picture on google) I had the chocolate peanut
butter one and it was amazing!
After brunch, we returned home and G’s mom came over to bring
me my birthday presents from her and my father in law. They got me two pairs of
Switchflops by Lindsay Phillips with a few strap options. These are pretty
cool, you change out the top straps of the shoes to match outfits and
accessories. I had never heard/seen these before. I plan to try them out once I get a pedicure
(my toes are in rough shape!). They also got me a Medal Hanger for all my race
bling! I currently hang them in my cubicle at work but have wanted something
nice to display them on. I’m going to hang this in our home gym and hopefully
add many more to it!
the different straps to change to |
can't wait to hang it up! |
G had to fly to
Atlanta for work so he left a little bit before I left to meet my Mom for
dinner. About an hour before I left, my Mom called to tell me that my brother,
SIL, 2 nieces, nephew, and Grandmother were also coming to dinner. It was a
very nice surprise! We had dinner at Olive Garden and all 4 kids were on
excellent behavior and we had a nice meal together. J They got
me a chocolate (DELICIOUS!) cake as well, and come to think of it, I don’t
think I made a wish when I blew out the candle! Whoops! My present from G was a weekend cruise (a
repeat of the one we took in May that I got sick on). He’s not a fan of 3 night
cruises, so I was surprised he booked one, and I’m excited to go on it later in
the month! Overall, I had a wonderful birthday! I could have did without EM
throwing up all over the car Sunday morning, but since she’s feeling better
now, I’m ok with that lol Now to get started with crossing off some of those 30before 30 items, only 2 years to go!!
my oldest niece KK and EM |
Happy Birthday to Me :) |
Grandma with her Grand Daughters |
What did you do this weekend?
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