Friday, November 1, 2013

EM's 1st Halloween

Happy 1st Halloween EM
Linking up with Jen @ Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for her Friday iPhone dump as my way to show off all my pics of EM and her 1st Halloween. 

Sometime last week, EM came home from school (aka Day Care) with this adorable Fall Tree made with her cute little hand prints. I seriously LOVE her Day Care. They do so many cute, creative crafts with the kids! (I love them for a ton of reasons, the crafts is just one of them).

Then earlier this week she came home with this one:
so stinkin' cute!
Halloween morning, they had a Halloween Parade, so EM was sent to school in her costume, a Cupcake since she's so sweet you just want to eat her up!

all the babies looked so cute in their costumes

They went "trick or treating" in her class and she came home with all these baby-friendly goodies: 

And they painted pumpkins:
her "E" pumpkin
I felt a little awkward taking a baby trick or treating so I only stopped at two houses to say hello, didn't even take any treats. Next year when she's walking, it'll be more fun. We decided to just walk down to my inlaws and sit on their porch and pass out candy. We also passed out adult treats (beer, wine, and Jager shots), I'd say the majority of our neighbors loved this!

she looked thrilled

she had way more fun sitting on a blanket playing with her pumpkin
Unfortunately, our neighborhood is on a lake, so we know mosquitos are bad at night, so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to try out the "Mighty Shield" Bug Repellant cream I received in my August Citrus Lane Box. I'm not happy to report, it did not work well at all. 

This was my poor baby girl this morning, she looked like she had Chicken Pox! Luckily, she didn't seem bothered by them, but I just felt so bad for my poor little girl! All over her face, and a few on random parts of her body!

How was your Halloween? What did you dress up as (or dress your kids up as)?

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